Osteoporosis is a disease which affects over 1 million Australians. It’s characterised by a loss of bone density as a result of bones losing minerals (such as calcium) faster than they can be replaced by the body. This can lead to our bones becoming more porous or brittle – putting us at a higher risk of breaks or fractures.
To maintain bone health, it’s important we get adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, as well as vitamins K2 and B12. But studies show that our modern diets are lacking in these important nutrients.
A 2017 CSIRO report claimed that four out of five Australian adults are not eating enough fruit and vegetables in order to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines. And worldwide, our diets are lacking in vitamins and minerals essential for proper growth and development.
Apart from improving our diets and increasing the amount and variety of fruit and vegetables that we eat, one of the simplest ways to remedy this is by taking a daily Chlorella supplement.
So what exactly is in Chlorella that’s helpful for our bone health?
Chlorella is high in natural magnesium which helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function and keeps bones strong. Magnesium has been shown to convert Vitamin D into an active form that can assist with calcium absorption.
In a study of over 70,000 postmenopausal women, researchers found that higher consumption of magnesium (over 422 mg per day) resulted in a higher bone density of between 2 and 3%, compared to those who consumed less than half that amount. Thankfully, Chlorella has high levels of magnesium, with one serve containing 70mg.
Vitamin K2 & B12
It’s common knowledge that calcium plays a starring role in the health of our bones. But did you know that we need vitamin K2 so that the calcium can be absorbed properly?
In a three-year study of postmenopausal women, it was found that a low dose of vitamin K2 slowed down decreases in age-related bone mineral density. It appears that vitamin K2 is able to activate the calcium-binding actions of two proteins — matrix GLA protein and osteocalcin – which are important for bone health.
Similarly, vitamin B12 is another important contributor to healthy bones, with studies showing that vitamin B12 deficiency can decrease bone density in the elderly and cause issues with bone growth in children. Fortunately, Chlorella contains high levels of both vitamin K2 and B12.
Calcium, copper & zincThe evidence on calcium is clear. It’s needed to build and maintain bone, combining with other minerals to form the bone’s structure and strength. But studies have shown that zinc and copper are also useful for bone health.
Zinc helps to produce critical enzymes in osteoblasts that are essential for collagen synthesis. Copper also has been shown to be helpful in linking collagen and elastin molecules, along with playing other roles in other enzymes of bone cells.
Low levels of these minerals have been linked to osteoporosis in women, leading researchers to conclude that zinc, calcium and copper (along with magnesium) are all essential for bone strength and bone metabolism.
A serving of Chlorella contains small, yet important, amounts of these bone-strengthening minerals.
There you have it. The best way to ensure optimum health of your bones is to ensure you are consuming adequate levels of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and vitamins K2 and B12.
And the easiest way to do this? Include a daily Chlorella supplement and you’ll be doing your bones and joints a favour.